Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Catching Up

We have mostly been eating at home and catching up on various things- We did have Lee & Nick over for dinner last Friday and then met Sheila & Mary for dinner at Bar Parisette for dinner on Monday. We leave tomorrow for five days in Oregon with Lee & Nick and Steve & Suzanne... 

I don't have photos of my own cooking but we had a nice meal - boursin pinwheels to nosh, then shrimp and mango salad to start, seabass and asparagus for mains with pull apart garlic bread, and then chocolate pot de creme for dessert. Best thing was that NIck made cocktails for us- Vodka and Gin based- 

Then Bar Parisette- which had sort of iffy service from the kitchen or staff - not sure where the issue was but one of the four of us waited for entree service while the other three completely finished their dinners.... not cool... they did comp the late late late entree and a dessert but still- some part of the operation is not firing on all cylinders... 

and now off to Oregon for wine and food fun.... more to follow- 

Sunday, July 28, 2024

Back in the City

 So we took it easy this week, catching up on blogging, photo editing etc.  But we did have time to go out for a dinner at Obelix and a lunch at the new Bayan Ko Diner....

lunch- then dinner- 


Last night we had Lee & Nick over for dinner- Nick made another wonderful cocktail- the first with vodka and the second with gin.

 We are now getting ready for our trip to Oregon... so more will follow in due time...