Wednesday, March 8, 2023

more along the way

 mostly to and from school - it's a long walk and has much to see---

I'm sure there will be more later-  but you get a feel for our neighborhood and the way we go to school each day. It is a truly lovely city.

to market to market

 On Monday in class Christina said - after coffee break let's go to the market- so we did - and Phil joined us 

then off to lunch in Plaza Nueva - and then we had dinner at Justa Rufina again - a slimmed down meal as David was not with us this time...

Justa Rufina dinner

Then on Tuesday we did class - and I skipped out early because the class was going to a baroque art exhibit... no thanks. Plus I was not feeling great.   We went shopping for a hostess gift for dinner at Julia's (my speaking partner) on Wednesday - then we went home and I went to sleep for 16 hours while Phil went to dinner with Brent and Ande (at El Cairo - known for paella).... when I finally woke up - I decided not to go to class and instead stayed home and just caught up on my homework and blogging etc.) 

So that brings us up to present time- and we are off to Granada for two days this weekend - there will be many photos and  no doubt a bit of delay in posting - so just hang tight - we'll get there.  

oh by the way - the April fair is two weeks after easter and there is much anticipation- at Corte Ingles the dresses are all ready to go!