Friday, August 9, 2024

home again and out to dinner(s)

So on Tuesday we were discombobulated by the overnight flight - and slept late - just had a risotto with leftover skirt steak and salad for dinner and went back to bed early (for us) Wednesday we were scheduled for dinner with Jenny who is in from New York for a few days- 

We went to Carino - Norman Fenton's newest iteration of fine dining at the old Brass Heart/ old 42 grams etc... location...

Then on Thursday we met up with Todd & Evie at Sepia for a fun meal with Alex Ring as our somm....

a great time - as usual with Todd & Evie.... tonight we ate at home and tomorrow Phil has a concert- and now I am most ly caught up with paperwork and blogging etc... so a weekend off!  YAY!
Next week- a visit form Jeremy, then in two weeks a visit from brother  Larry and then Labor day some plans with friends and then Phil has a festival in early September... soon I will be headed back to Spain! Time flies when you are having fun- We already have many visits scheduled in Spain as well as a trip to Canary Islands...  so watch this space.... 

Sunday we rest, Monday we deal with airports...

 Sunday Lee & Nick decided to drive to Canon Beach  early, we slept in, Suzanne decided to go along with the boys, then Steve and Lucy went too... We got up and had bagels for breakfast, and relaxed until they returned a few hours later. 

our view for the mid day relaxing after bagels- 

stopped for a drink before Kachka 

Then on to Kachka 

then we stopped of ice cream before heading back to S&S

the next day Monday - Lee & Nick were up and gone before we got up. we had salads with Suzanne for lunch after bagels for breakfast, our scheduled flight was not until almost midnight so we went out for Sushi and ice cream and then after a brief stop at home headed to the airport with Steve as our chauffeur! 

beautiful flowers on Suzanne's table- 

Bamboo Sushi- excellent choice after several heavier meals- and we stopped for cie cream again- at a different Salt & Straw....

Another excellent wine (s) from Steve's cellar- 

What we started with at home- 

flight delayed more than an hour -so we landed at ORD  in the light to day not the dark.  That also meant traffic inbound on the Kennedy YUCK! But we did go home and to bed immediately Fabulously fun weekend with the six of us - a natural grouping...nad by the time we broke up on Sunday night- we had plans for two dinners in October  in Chicago for the six of us (the one for Phil's birthday celebration at Jeong!)