Saturday, November 19, 2016

an upbeat evening

was had in our cozy club in Sarasota called Fogartyville... last night we heard a concert and saw some media from John McEuen (an individual performer and member for only 50 years of the Nitty Gritty Dirt Band) - a comic and a musician - who plays numerous stringed instruments- he had the audience laughing and sometimes singing while he entertained us for three hours.  The NGDB was the first American band to be invited to the soviet union to play and he had some wonderful period movies from that tour.

Now 71 years old, he has lots of good stories about the 50+ years of performing and traveling.  He now makes his home nearby and the drummer lives just down the road a bit.... so this was a treat for him as well... after the show he could drive 20 minutes and sleep in his own bed...

Our table mates were from Nova Scotia and we got on famously immediately and hope to run into them again at the Blues Festival coming up soon... we all were scheduled to go already.  The group of them included two couples Jimmy and Cathie and Steve and Susan and their friend Mike (from Michigan).  They (as all good Nova Scotians do) all played instruments and were well versed in many genres of music... terrific mates for the pre-concert conversation and for intermission time passing...

before we went out for our Friday concert, I was busy at home with my lighting project - wherein I installed the same Edison style lights we have in Chicago down here in the Florida condo - except this time I had to do it without Tim's assistance LOL...

but it is done and looks good- so to celebrate we went over to the Riverhouse for dinner on the water-

Fogartyville was packed last night- people outside on the patio as well as indoors-

 Jimmy and Steve in the lower left of the photo-

his latest album - made in Brooklyn - literally - LOL-

a nice evening with good folks on stage and off.... tonight we regroup and tomorrow the ballet- with Barb and then meet the guys for dinner in St. Armand's - the ballet is being supported by a live orchestra for this performance at the Opera House- and just as a bit of background - here is some info on our adorable little opera house here in town-


So after tomorrow I will be back with a review of the ballet- and more... so stay tuned!

Thursday, November 17, 2016

what's going on...

so I haven't posted in a while- and here is what is going on-  the election results have been traumatic in our household-  you think you participate and live in a country where most everyone is open and peaceful and has the best of intentions for ALL people - not just white people and straight people, but everyone.  I guess I have spent the last six decades in some kind of "nice and kind"cocoon... I just really couldn't and still cannot fathom the amount of hate out there and the apparently overwhelming desire to deny people the right to live as full citizens and marry whomever they want to marry and raise their kids in the religion of their choice and all those things my parents taught as values when I was growing up- so I have been in shock- and withdrawal and finally recovering a bit from the shock of finding that I now live in a country that is a different country than I knew for the last six decades. My open, freedom loving, diversity accepting country is gone (clearly it didn't exist - only the facade of it did) and now Donald Trump is president with all the consequences that will bring for my gay friends and my Latino friends and my black friends and my non-Christian friends and family members. It was a tough week- ten days.

but of course, as with everything- as our president so ably pointed out on the night before the election- the sun rises in the morning - so I am back to semifreelife having spent the last week in my own hideout.

After the election night - we spent the next four days at home and on Sunday finally ventured out to start back into the social swing again... we went to Cafe Baci and to Columbia and to Louie's Modern for dinner (having made a visit to Blue Marlin on the night before the election). I signed up for a winter class and started to read the assigned books before the January/February class sessions begin at Temple Beth Shalom (a new venue for the Lifelong Learning Academy here in Sarasota) oh and I took a lot of pictures of my cat- LOL- it is a positive thing to do in dealing with all the negativity of the election results.... oh and distracting myself with the terrific PBS series called Soundbreaking about recorded music---

so a few photos - our entrees at Columbia-

some photos of Blue Marlin-

The 2005 St Aubin showed so well we took a second bottle to Louie's Modern-

 below the pizzetta and the charcuterie plate

then the lobster risotto thermidor and the short rib

not shown the chocolate beignets- which were very nice-

this weekend Barb and I have the ballet and we will meet up with John and Phil for dinner after our matinee- then we will catch up with Al & Carol & Lily at their place and later in the week we have Asolo tickets and then it's Thanksgiving and brother Larry will be up for the holiday- soon it will be time for our trip to Cartagena in Colombia... time flies -

and now the Lucy photos- LOL-

 LOL - after a while, even she got aggravated being the subject of so much attention LOL

and the weather has been lovely so we spent some time reading outdoors-

so on we go - despite finding out that roughly half the country think it is alright to vote for a guy who professes racist views and thinks we shouldn't have immigrants coming to this country despite being married to a couple of them along the way... three wives and numerous bankruptcies and half the country thinks this is just fine.... oh and his vice president thinks it's OK not to serve gay people in pizza parlors run by "Christians" - where I grew up Christians were much more forgiving and loving as Jesus was- obviously a different country than these folks grew up in....

but I promise the blog will not turn into a political diatribe for the next however many months or years and will continue along in the same spirit it always has-  so stay tuned....

travel, food, theater, and an occasional rant....