Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Gibraltar day trip

 We left the hotel at noon, walked across the border into Gibraltar at 12:30 to meet our driver and guide Luigi.  Our first stop on the tour - Pillars of Hercules which mark the Strait of Gibraltar.  We could see Ceuta (Spanish island off the coast of Morocco) also Morocco and a view of the shipping channel in the Atlantic. 

Our day in Gibraltar included St Michael's Cave (light show every seven minutes) the Siege Tunnels as well as the WWII Tunnels, the Pillars of Hercules (overlooking the Strait) and various lookout points along the way. (Monkeys in separate post).

From there, we proceeded to St Michael's Cave where there were some cool stalactites and stalagmites and a well designed light show.  Then we were on to the monkey feeding station. (separate post) and then Great Seige Tunnels and finally the WWII tunnels followed by a drive through town and back to the border crossing.

photos from the entrance of the seige tunnel

A view of the Mediterranean Sea 

steps into town

looking towards La Linea

The WWII tunnels- 

We left the Rock and crossed into La Linea, We stopped for a late lunch at a waterside restaurant and then headed back to Sevilla.  We arrived home about 7:40 and all crashed. Jean & Tim had to leave for the airport at 6:30 AM! 

Next up- monkeys!

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