Saturday, March 12, 2011

circle back

after a busy week of work at my now two jobs (how did that happen?) I have some personal time.   I have been reading and preparing for the Tunisia trip which is now less than two weeks away.  the more I read the more the anticipation grows.  this is the first new place my mother will go in her spirit form.  my friend Helene thought some place in Carthage would be perfect but there are some amazing things on our itinerary so I am not as sure. 

I have been thinking about how there are all these circles in life - call them cycles or spirals or any other name but the whole idea has been with me the last day or so.  this morning I awoke thinking about The Kin of Ata Are Waiting For You a book I read more than twenty years ago now, but which- in spirit- has stuck with me. circular patterns play a big part in the book. and of course my mother's circle of life has been ever present in my thoughts.  we are nearing the three month mark of her leaving her physical body and being released from the restrictions her failing health had put upon her.  not a day goes by that I don't miss her but I also celebrate her each day as well. 

and more circles/cycles: today is the day I start yard work again.  not much right now, but time to do a little clean up and make an assessment of what will need to be done when I return in April. as I was sitting in front of the computer this morning working on financial stuff before the trip, my screen saver came on with several of my favorite photos and - oddly enough- (not) - they featured circles

here are the ones that showed up this morning:

these were all from central Vietnam (from the top: Dalat, Hue, Hoi An)

the morning light has come and the day is breezy and cool but we have dodged the worst of winter and are settling back into life at home for a bit, before circling around again and heading off....

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