Sunday, December 21, 2014

the hardest part

of losing friends to a new home and location far away... is making the transition to seeing them regularly, to seeing them frequently, to seeing them occasionally, to seeing sometimes, to seeing them rarely... this is a natural occurrence because as they build a new life they return with less and less frequency to the life they once knew...  so someone you might have seen as frequently as twice a week moves to someone you get to see maybe once a year... alas- time marches on...

for those readers who know us well - this is a known fact- our dear friends moved from Chicago to NYC about three and a half years ago.  And as with all "moving on" followed a foreseeable pattern to no one's surprise.  It is always great to catch up with old friends whenever you get a chance- like meeting Aase in Venice or our quick visit with Claus & Evi in Frankfurt or with Mac in recent months.  The thing is - you just pick up and catch up where you were and left off... and it seems like little time has passed since you were last together...

that is the good news... and thankfully it will always be that way...

the bad news is that - the same does not hold true for our "youngest" loved ones- time zooms by and things change so quickly- they grow up so fast!

so when our friends left Chicago, they did so with their three month old baby- and now of course we watch her grow up from a distance... she is busy, her parents are busy, even when the two of us get to NYC we get only an afternoon or a few hours before bed time... but through the modern miracles of Facebook and digital photography and cell phones... we get to see some of the stages along the way and can feel a little like we are there to watch her grow...

and here she is now- the star of her own show (far right hand) - and yes, we, her adoring fans, like all fans, never get enough! LOL

seems like only last month that she looked like this- the world's cutest baby- LOL

and now she is heading to four years! how did that happen? and yes, it is the hardest part.....

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