This morning after a lackluster breakfast at our pretty nice hotel (the Grand Yantra) we headed to the fortress above town- here is a view of it from our room-
the weather was crappy this morning- raining and chilly as we set out on the road up the hill to the "fortress" -
there were some very nice views of the valley below-
we started at the point where the tower is located in the bottom of the center left of this map- near the key...
I think these horses were for posed photos with costumes etc... but because the weather was so bad there were no other people on the road to the top of the fortress hill... in the summer there are sound and light shows there - which would definitely the best way to get the story of this hill as only the foundations of the fortress remain -along with a chapel that is a rebuild of an older one with new paintings (Soviet propaganda style paintings inside)
I took no more photos and returned to the bottom of the hill while Phil took one for the team and continued on to the church with the soviet paintings- as George really doesn't get that we don't want to see a lot of churches or he gets it and he doesn't care because he intends to show us EVERYTHING Bulgaria has on offer for those coming to visit Bulgaria. And Phil even made an effort to show interest by taking some photos with his phone-
Then we headed back into town and saw the big Soviet hotel for the meetings - and a huge statue commemorating something I don't remember at this moment LOL- and because it is such crappy weather we really just want to stay in the car but George wants to make sure we see EVERYTHING... LOL but I did find some interestingly repetitive graffiti along the way---
this guy was everywhere-
then we drove up to a small village above town called Arbanassi- where we saw an old house/fortress like dwelling for extended families when there were bad economic times and marauders came around trying to steal stuff from rich guys- OK that is an oversimplification but the house was large and pretty nice for its era of before indoor plumbing- they did have an indoor "outhouse" with a hole that dropped into the yard for when they were under siege and couldn't leave the fortified building.
we also visited a spectacular church in Arbanassi - the Secret Church of the Nativity (no photos- so these are from the Internet) - it actually was my second favorite sight after the Rila Monastery in Bulgaria...
those are some photos of the inside and here is what it looked like on the outside- you would never guess the splendors held within-

then back into town where we saw more graffiti on the way to our late lunch-
we had lunch at a very nice place in town with a name that was unintelligible to us- especially with the cyrillic alphabet in use in Bulgaria.... I started with a fabulous cream of broccoli soup and then went on to the chicken milanese - they had terrific flat bread (pretty much all over Bulgaria as well) that we would come to miss once we left Bulgaria...
The day had been rainy and it continued the entire day- so we didn't balk when we ended up a bit early- Phil went to the room to watch baseball (good enough Internet connection for that) and I read and napped before we headed out for dinner - only to find it pouring so hard we decided rather than walk to the dinner place (Ego) we would eat in the hotel - probably a bad idea and it turned out to be half bad- we had good appetizers and mediocre entrees - but at least we stayed dry! The next day we had one more sight to see on the way to Romania. We went to the cave monastery near the border.
one of the original caves of the hermit monks-
and here is where we climbed to- the cave church (yellow box) - you can see the road we came in on in the photo below as well- (red arrow)
photos from inside the church- of the 13th and 14th century frescoes-
the rest of the afternoon was taken up with the transfer across the border an into Bucharest, Romania. We were safely ensconced in the Hilton Athenee Palace hotel in Bucharest by 6 PM and headed out around 8PM for dinner at a local restaurant. We were back in the land of our familiar Latin Alphabet and a familiar romance language so we feel confident in getting around and finding things on our own.... LOL
a fab fish roe salad similar to Greek taramasalata (below) was my starter - Phil chose the griled sausage for his starter.
Phil's chicken dish, drowning in garlic under those potatoes- LOL
my wonderful entree of stuffed cabbage rolls and mamaliga (a polenta like dish)
Tomorrow morning we meet our driver/guide for the next week and go with him all through stay tuned- he was our favorite guide of the trip and we saw many wonderful things - and along the way managed a few good meals as well (LOL) -
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