Friday, January 19, 2024

Nick arrives! Larry arrives!

 So we got a really fun surprise when we found out Lee's husband Nick could join us for the weekend before a trip to London for business next week which had been schedules last minute.  So we left Cadiz on Friday morning and met Nick when we returned.  We all headed to brunch nearby so we could eat and nik could freshen up with a quick afternoon nap.  

We went to Billy Brunch- a five minute walk from our place.

Later we went to dinner at Casa Puerta

The next morning Larry arrived and after a shower - we went to the coffee shop for a light bite and coffees. Then Lee and Nick took Larry on a lengthy walk before we all met back at the apartment before heading to dinner.  Nick and I stopped for Natas on the way to dinner. We went to dinner at Acento (right next o school from the spring)

so a fast two days compressed into one post... next up - Megan and Christian arrive and then we have seven scheduled for Sunday lunch! Justa Rufina!

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