Saturday, May 11, 2024

on our own

Our friends left on Tuesday and we had dinner at home that night. We are on our own until we leave. No more company and in a little more than two full weeks we will be heading back to the US.

Last night we had dinner at Petit Comite, a perfect dinner. Photos start with the walk home. We were over by the Guadalquivir near the (currently closed for renovation) ship yards where the new world explorers launched their ships.  We had dined here once before but this time it was even better. Menu choices marked with red checks. The best course in my opinion was the salmon carpaccio. Wonderful flavors and textures. Retinto albondigas were very good (named for the specific beef variety) Phil loved both duck courses. And to top it off the wine was exquisite (pricey for Spain but one we don't see regularly). We are on our last few weeks until we return in the fall so we are doing our "farewell" tour of our favorite dining spots. #expatlife

here's a place that looks like it has potential- we passed along the way...

We met Lauren Tucker for lunch today at a Chinese place in Triana - food was only OK but the place was pretty and the service was welcoming.

Last night we returned to one of the first places we visited in February 2023 - near Tempo Museo Apartments- La Chala....

Tonight we are of to La Escalona- for more good outdoor environs!

coming up more of the farewell tour... several new places and many we return to multiple times.

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