Monday, November 8, 2010

in case you hadn't noticed

there is a mini slide show along the left hand side of the posts in this blog.  right now it has a limited number of photos but it is enough that maybe it will give you the idea to go to the shutterfly link and look at the thousands of photos there from my travel.   today I had lots of work to take care of but tomorrow I hope to be able to get my Argentina things in order and make up a packing list.  it is only next week that we leave and the weather looks fabulous! mid 70s in BA and mid 80s in Mendoza.  A nice respite before our weather (which is actually wonderful this week- mid 60s) turns toward winter. 

meanwhile I loaded some new photo software that might make it easier to find those pictures I know are hiding somewhere.  so today I am going to see if I can get a video uploaded.  this is a video of a wedding we went to in Delhi India (no, it was not Katy Perry and Russell Brand- LOL) it does give a bit of a feel for the event - an evening party at the compound of some ambassador.  very big and very fancy. 

so let's try it-

I don't really know if this will work but we will see- like I said - maybe I need a Dummies book LOL

HA! I think it might be there- keep your fingers crossed for me!

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