I did finally spot the real alligator this week but his lair is out of camera range. maybe next year... LOL
and we have new ducks on the river who seem to have appeared in the last week- so things continue to change all the time.
we'll be going back to cold and somewhat snowy weather but it will be time limited and already the rest of the year is so busy (yes you read that correctly- the year)
I completed the final arrangements for our safari and South Africa trip today with the final hotel booking. that trip falls over our tenth anniversary and will be 28 days by the time we added time in wine country and the garden route and Capetown etc.. but now we are ready to go. one of the things Phil added to his stuff while down here were some clothes from Columbia Sportswear for the safari part of our trip. our friend Helen is coming from France to house-sit and cat-sit and also visit with her soon to be born grand daughter (nick-named Baby Chambol) the baby is due to Laure & Arno the end of April.
meanwhile my friend Jen (see back at the Danger Zone post) has been keeping abreast of the Tunisia situation via twitter posts (how does one even do that? LOL) as we get closer to our departure date (four weeks away.) so - as I always seem to be saying - time marches on.
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