Sunday, October 16, 2011

almost a year

ago- I wrote my first blog entry... time does fly- it wrote it on the 22nd- which is my cats' birthday.  they will be 6 years old on Saturday!  this morning Lucy was being a real pain because she wanted us to wake up and let her go outside.  so first she cried at the bedroom door and then she pawed the door making such a racket... we never reinforce this behavior so she did eventually go away. 

later when I got up she whined at me for more than an hour to go outside even though it was still raining and then the deck was too wet for her to go out.  she was having none of those excuses.  now when the sun is out and the deck dry I had to go looking for her so she could go outside LOL- even though they are six they act pretty much like 2 year olds...

but they were looking so cute I had to take a picture - their pre-birthday photo!

both girls

pretty Penny- she is so sweet  (Lucy's nose in the corner)

you can see Lucy is still kind of pissed at me- LOL- she won't look at me

in the blog entry a year ago I mentioned that my husband said no one wants to read about my cats- LOL- and that still might be true - it is certainly still his opinion.  but I decided early on the blog was going to be about whatever I wanted to write about and so- here they are - another year older- just like me....

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