Saturday, March 5, 2016

a compliment

It is always nice when someone pays a compliment to your work, or in this case,, my avocation/hobby. I don't really think of it as work because I do it for my own enjoyment.  If you haven't looked lately at my photo website I have done some updating. This comment is copied from my travel photo website and I was happy to read that someone not related to me (LOL- actually my biggest fan - my mom- has been gone more than five years...) finds my photos of value.

here is the compliment/comment - which was on the Cuba 2015 photos

of course Cuba is very hot right now as a travel destination- and I have photos on the website from both December 2015 and April 2012.  I also have photos from many of the nearly 80 countries I have visited.  These photos include some destinations that were not available to tour groups in the days when I took them (Myanmar and Bhutan come to mind) and also those that are off the beaten path for tourists and more frequented by travelers (Lijiang and Zhongdian come to mind there)

The website also includes thing published by the travel industry (city guides for Seattle and Warsaw; AFAR magazine; the Denver Post travel section.) So while I do not make a living from selling my photos I am pleased at the reception they have gotten over the years.

I include a few of my photos here just for the fun of looking at them again - because each time I review them I get to relive the journeys...

Bhutan- 2007 - A temple above Thimphu

Japan - 2004 - The early morning fish market in Tokyo

St Petersburg Russia - 2003 - altar in St Isaac's

Vietnam - 2009 - Cao Dai sect service in their Holy See

Burano, the Venetian Lagoon - 2006 - Hanging the wash to dry

Amalfi Coast - 2007 - Positano Hillside from the harbor below

Paris - not sure which trip - we go there at least every other year sometimes more frequently - a different view of the tower

Cleveland - 2004 - across from the West Side Market

some people say they know my work by its style but I think the photo should be about the subject. Admittedly there are things that really draw me to them for similar reasons of color and form -

here are examples of the kind of photos that some think of as my style- and you will quickly see why- I like shapes repeated or eye catching brilliant colors -

protea from Hawaii (ten trips in 15 years so I can't date this one without data from the meta file)

sake barrel offerings in a temple - Kyoto

snake wine (make you strong) near Cu Chi tunnels outside of Saigon Vietnam

souvenir Matryoshka dolls Russia

produce market in SE Asia

Lanterns for sale in Hoi An Vietnam (2003)

Dalat local market Vietnam (2009)

the night market in Luang Prabang - Laos (2009)

souk goods in Marrakech (2014)

water puppets Hanoi (2003)

Tajines in Tunisia (2012)

Lijiang market stalls (2014)

I am going to stop here because I could spend hours looking back over various trips and thinking about where to go next (actually we are headed back to Russia and the Baltic countries along with a bit of Scandinavia at the beginning and end - and next year we are headed back to south eastern Europe and to revisit  Slovenia and Croatia--- so we do have some plans already...) and as always my blog posts will follow along with the travels - so stay tuned....

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