Sunday, November 6, 2016

a musical interlude or introduction

So I picked Phil up at the airport on Thursday night and Friday night we started our "winter" life with a trip to hear the symphony orchestra.

this year our tickets are for Van Wezel due to specific music selections and timing of concerts rather than Neel Auditorium.

so off we went for the Rite Music- 

 It began with a favorite piece- the Egmont Overture from Beethoven- which we did not knwo was related to a Goethe work-

 That was followed by a masterful performance of a difficult piece - the Mendelssohn violin concerto.  the violinist played on anantique violin from Guarneri crafted in 1695!

Then it was on to the Stravinsky - which I found intellectually interesting but Phil was not keen on at all...LOL (can't love everything) I did find the following quite edifying though- from the program notes- LOL - heavily edited LOL

And tomorrow a wine dinner and the next night a concert- so we are back in the swing of things right off--- so stay tuned for more... "travel, food, theater, and an occasional rant" just as we bill it above LOL

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