Saturday, February 25, 2017

the finale

Sadly - last night we had our final concert of our season of the Sarasota Orchestra.  But it was a fitting finale with Mozart's Requiem. An odd juxtaposition for us having just seen Mozart dying in the National Theater Live production of Amadeus...

a lovely work for voice and symphony orchestra - last night sung by four soloists and the award winning Estonian Philharmonic Choir.  And extra special to all because they were performing on the independence day of Estonia and as you may recall - our wonderful conductor Anu Tali is from Estonia...

A review of the Requiem performed on the 200th anniversary of his death by the NY Philharmonic had a fitting conclusion and perfectly created the sense of loss and awe felt in this unfinished masterpiece-

"But the memorial will continue. In fact, our entire concert life may be an extended tribute to Mozart, who towers above it all like some child god so acquainted with grief that his music seems to save us from its burdens. He is forgiving and compassionate to all: to listeners who come with simple love of his melodic grace; to characters who people his operas, each granted a caress of musical sympathy; to musicologists who, faced with marvels, sometimes murder to dissect; even to critics who, weary of devout worship, vainly try to see how a man could write such music, why it sometimes fails, and why it so often seems beyond human judgment altogether."

so on we go-  next up Paul Taylor Dance Company guests of the Sarasota Ballet....always something on the calendar---

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