Wednesday, June 13, 2018

the wedding part 2

So we have made it to Thursday night of wedding week in NYC in celebration of Angela & Lee!

here is the happy couple on the evening before the ceremony at The Smith where the Stimmels hosted a dinner for the wedding party members and out of town company!

Brad & Susan Stimmel - Lee's parents and the hosts for the dinner on Thursday evening-

the Stimmel siblings - Brent - Libby - Lee

Other guests-  Linda Kruhmin (MOB) and bride Angela-

Jeremy Friedman (brother of the bride)

Sue Friedman and sons Phil (father of the bride) and Steve Friedman

Suzanne Friedman (Aunt of bride)

bride's cousins - Jack and Lauren Friedman

cousin Lauren Friedman and Uncle Sandy Friedman

and the man of the week - Lee Stimmel the groom!

up next the wedding day arrives - with lots of photos and then on to the food tour LOL

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