your mother was one of my favorite friends and yes, a remarkable woman. I talked with her briefly several times while she was in the assisted living in Ohio. She sounded so cheerful, talked about playing bridge and her other activities. Always said she was feeling fine. I called a few times when she had visitors (you) or had to go to one of her activities. Then for awhile there was nothing and I saw the brief obit in the Islander. I called Faye and talked with her daughter, and Faye sent me your e-mail. Jane and I first met at the Island Chamber of Commerce, where we both volunteered. We hit it off right away. Her history on the Island was very much like mine, her parents having come here long ago, as did mine' I missed her so much and always will. The ashes idea is true Jane. She talked a lot about you and your travels. You certainly did have a remarkable mother and she had a remarkable family. What can I say, but condolences for your loss.
I replied to her note-
I send my condolences to you as well- I know how much you cared for my mother and she spoke of you frequently. She enjoyed the Chamber of Commerce and her work there.
Anna Maria has always been a special place for our family - as you may know my parents came over the "bridge street" bridge in 1951 on their honeymoon trip (they came to visit her uncle Bruce Cox and his wife Irma, who was the postmistress of Bradenton Beach for many years. they then lived along Gulf Drive in a cottage my grandfather eventually bought from his brother in law and where we spent many vacations as children. Now of course - fifty plus years have passed and the bridge street bridge is a fishing pier and the cottage is long gone turned into condos.
eventually my grandfather settled in Holmes Beach on 70th street and as you know my parents also ended up on the island as well on Ivanhoe Lane in Key Royale. my mother went to work in the elementary school with 1st and 3rd graders and also at the Chamber of Commerce. she enjoyed pretty much everything she ever did but as you know her first love was travel.
she lived a fairly long and very happy life and we are all grateful for the time we knew her and shared her love and friendship. thank you for your lovely note. I know your loss is also a big one and send a hug your way.
today we went by another old haunt... the red barn flea market off 301. this is a place I went fairly regularly with my parents when they first moved down here. they have everything you could ever imagine or want. we went for the fresh fruit and veggies and to just see what else was there. on the way to the flea market we took a route that took us by the Pompey's Seafood Shack.

after doing our flea market shopping we headed back there for lunch of garlic shrimp, fried shrimp; hush puppies and lemonade. a worthy establishment in our opinions. we picked up a menu and made plans to stop by again on the way to the market or on the way home.
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