Thursday, June 26, 2014

what I have been doing

So I know the posts have been kind of scarce lately but here is what has been going on in my summer - got back from France after Memorial Day (you saw all those posts) -

then in June had an amazing dinner at 42 grams (has it's own posts) - a play at lookingglgass (also had its own post) - went to Cincinnati for a few days to see my family and celebrate my aunt's 80th birthday.

Then in the following two weeks I had three lunches with old business colleagues, dinner at Restaurant Michael with Ron & Mary, the CG Cyrano's dinner and day out at the Field Museum, a visit to Eataly Chicago, the (posted) A10 dinner with Mon & Beth, dinner with Neil, dinner with Sheila & Mary, dinner with Brian & Tina, dinner with Jeremy & Jenna- Phil had two concerts and also a four day folk festival in NY, we met with the financial planner and I fought with the awning people about getting my new awning installed...(more on that one later as it is ongoing at this point) and along the way I finished all the arrangements for our maritime provinces trip in August and I read a bunch of books-

here are the hardback ones-
took me a long time to finish this but it was worth it- a whole new appreciation for the man and his demons-

a fun beach kind of read-

an interesting account of a time past HKG in the 50s-

hilarious Buckley in the style of "thank you for smoking" black humor that hits the targets right in the bull's eye

a weepy (somewhat historical) romance that is quick and entertaining- the characters appeal and the story well written-

then I also read Johnny Carson by Henry Bushkin-- my thumbnail review of that one is "eye opening!"

right now I am in the middle of Between the Bridge and the River by Craig Ferguson (another really funny one)

Today is our 13th anniversary - so a celebration dinner tonight at goosefoot- then Friday dinner with John & Kathy and Saturday dinner with Steph & Emma... and that pretty much covers our June

when I ask where the time goes it is usually because we are so busy it just flies by- so sometimes it is good to stop and spend a moment acknowledging, reflecting, and savoring the events, rather just looking ever forward... which is of course so easy to do---

so Happy Anniversary - and a photo of us on one of our adventures together - the trip we took for our 10th anniversary-

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