Sunday, September 16, 2018

long time, no see

Yes I know it has been FOREVER since I have posted - LOL - and there is of course a reason for that... I have been busy- living - but now I have a moment to breathe and I will make short work of the 50 days since the last post....

When I last posted we had just gotten a new dishwasher to save us from a life of eating out LOL - well not really because we still do eat out but we occasionally eat at home and we ALWAYS have wine glasses to wash...

but just a few days after the dishwasher finally arrived we left for seventeen days in Africa on a safari trip to Kenya and Tanzania...

then when we returned we immediately filled in the calendar with a dinner at Free Rein and a concert the following night by Olivia Chaney and a few days later with a friends dinner (Ross & Dario visiting and Sheila & Mary from town) at Osteria Langhe.  Then I used the new dishwasher as an excuse to have Lee & Nick and son, Arav over for dinner. The next day Steve & Suzanne arrived for a couple of days visit ending on the afternoon before we left for seventeen days in Europe...

meanwhile, I had taken several thousand photographs in Africa which I tried to bring into some semblance of order but - to no avail... before we left for the next trip...

so I will post some things here about the time in between trips and then go on to the trips in other posts...

so Free Rein - where we had a nice evening out with Todd & Evelyn...

wse started with the whitefish toast and the fried chicken oysters-

paired with a nice crisp Chassagne Montrachet

then had a seafood tower -

which was served with this yummy caviar and crudo 

then a gift from the chef as an intro -

then to the larger format food LOL

 the three stages of prep of the BIG MEAT entree-

two reds to pair with the beef and duck and saffron spaghetti

we chose the saffron spaghetti and the duck breast- from the entree list- 

then on to the dessert course and yes we did already have much of the prior shown food boxed to go home-

all excellent but I liked the last two the best- the yuzu custard and the marjolaine...

a fun night out before a busy week (since there were less than two weeks between trips it was pretty much whirlwind!) The next night we went to WFMT to hear Olivia Chaney in concert - broadcast live from the studio- and she was a lovely singer/songwriter who performed a number of touching compositions...

the week that followed was the one where we met up with Ross & Dario and Sheila & Mary - wines shown below-

and then had Nick & Lee over for dinner - then we heard johnsmith at the same venue (WFMT)  the following Saturday - by then Steve & Suzanne (S&S) had arrived and we had dinner at Bistro Campagne after the concert and the following day lunch at Bien me Sabe and dinner at the amazing S.K.Y.

first the wines and the menu and then following in order as they show up on the menu (except as noted) 

an amuse of edamame that had a kick to it!

then in order of the menu listing-

then on to the next section- we pared it down to less than the FULL list of items LOL

then we had a single dessert - because we were beyond stuffed but the cheesecake was so worthy we couldn't pass it up - so we shared it! or maybe Phil ordered one too and I just was in such A food coma that I forgot to get a picture LOL

doesn't matter really- it was a stupendously good meal...  - the next day we said goodbye to Steve early (he was on his way to Italy) and took Suzanne for a quick lunch at Jibek Jolu - where we had some skewers and some carrot salad and dumpling things.... then I went home to pack for the Europe trip in time to leave the following afternoon!

next up - a quick Africa recap and then a Europe post or two and I will be up to speed - and back to present day....

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