Tuesday, February 21, 2023

We go to School

 So today we went off to school first thing in the morning.  Along the way we have some landmarks for getting the mile we walk to class... 

So our school is in an old home- and it is so beautiful- our classroom is on the first floor (2nd in America) and the library is located right outside our classroom. 

this is the floor of the classroom

the ceiling of our atrium-

waiting for our placement oral exams to be completed so we (like students everywhere in 2023) use our phones to look things up... LOL

after the exams were completed but before they assigned the groups for classes - we went out for desayunos (breakfast) at a place around the corner called Senora Pan. 

we went back to school and they assigned our groups- I am in the beginners group (with the largest number) and Phil is in the intermediate one with a couple of other women and three of the group are in the advanced.  

We then said goodbye to the three professors and had a lunch of tapas in school. (carried in)  and went into the meeting for planning the week activities- which quickly descended into chaos.  Unfortunately the GL is not a strong personality and she does not take control of the meetings and her thinking is not at all organized so she ends up confusing many of the group members and this creates even more wasted time for those of us who have better clarity.

After a certain point we just asked - "So are we done for the plans for this week?" and when we got a positive answer we got up and left - having wasted way more than an hour on questions about weeks in advance... GAH! 

We then walked to a new grocery store (to us) for some additional shopping. It was much larger than the market we went to last week. Also more modern and cleaner.  So we then hiked back to the apartment with groceries but good news - it isn't too far - but we will need a cart in the future if we make this our home base next year as planned. 

Our dinner is planned and David (one of the advanced group) is joining us, as his husband Paul has a meeting with his speaking partner tonight.  So we are three for dinner.  The name of the restaurant is Justa Rufina.

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