Tuesday, May 7, 2013

paris shop windows

when we go to Paris we spend a large amount of time just walking around the neighborhoods... there are always things to see - and as I mentioned before the shop windows are always set "just so" - which means absolutely perfectly but also is a great way to describe the phenomena of "just so" you feel compelled to come in!

after we left al dente we walked along Rue du Bac back toward the Blvd Raspail where our hotel was located and we passed a couple of classic Paris shops- a shop that sold chocolate mousse by the cup from four large bowls in the window to choose your flavor (in the style of picking ice cream at an ice cream shop)

boxes of chocolates in the shape of the Eiffel Tower - would make a fabulous gift if you could ever get them home without eating them- LOL- then below the neighborhood butcher (one of the favorites in all of Paris apparently according to the awards on the door)

when was the last time you saw six KINDS of chicken to choose from in preparing your meals at home???

then on to a kids clothing store window where these little dolls were a hot item for the toddlers -

a store for socks - for the whole family - socks socks and more socks...

next door down- a jewelery store-

across the street a eyeglass store with very fashionable specs on offer-

and on the floors above the shops - apartments - enter through the oak door with the lion door knocker (detail shown) - he was quite majestic!

for many many more shop window photos

you can visit my highlights on the Wanderlist - "Just Paris" at AFAR.com (an interactive travel website:


have fun window shopping!

or for lots more Paris photos go to my travel photo website and page through the photobooks Paris 10 and Paris 08 -  (sorry - you will need adobe flash player for these so no viewing on iPads)



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