Sunday, November 24, 2013

we haven't disappeared

I have been crazy busy working on the condo and Phil was in Chicago working on retiring- LOL... he arrived Tuesday night and we spent most of the week getting his office together. Bought a desk chair and a new printer and office supplies etc...

so he is finally up and running and that means we can do other things- I still have a couple of bigger projects- including my last furniture making operation- meanwhile I have built two more pieces of furniture during the time since you last heard from me-
They actually look pretty good- a wine cabinet for the hall and a small chest for the bathroom-

so because we are getting closer to being done we headed off to a social event extraordinaire- a Robert Kacher wine dinner being held at Michael's on East Wine Cellar-

here is the menu-

and although I didn't get photos of the appetizers- which were wonderful, I did remember to start taking photos when they began serving food...

OK so I forgot on the dessert and took a bite before I remembered the photo- LOL... don't shoot me- by then we were nine wines into the evening...which was lovely- nice dining companions- many of whom hailed from our home towns of Cincinnati and St Louis... small world- LOL

and oh by the way- I have started back on China blogging and have a new post half finished... so stay tuned-  

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