Thursday, December 8, 2011

Hvar you? LOL

OK so no one really knows how to say the name of this island and its largest town Hvar - and we heard lots of different pronunciations during the short time we spent there.

we arrived on Sunday morning mid morning - docked along side the town and found it virtually deserted- out of season - church service time and a bit chilly... a recipe for seeing the city sights with no hordes of either tourists or locals. 

venetian influence abounds in many of our ports

after a brief city tour we hopped onto a medium sized bus and on the way we stopped to look at the dry stone walls and the mountain villages where the local and renown lavender is grown.

we then headed for the other side of the island to visit a lovely small port town next to the big wine growing area (a flat fertile plain on the sunny side of the island.)  we walked around a small canal crossed village

and then headed to the wine tasting-

after we left the winery we headed back to the ship and took off for an afternoon arrival in Split.

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