Monday, October 29, 2012

the baltic herring festival

as we mentioned we found out the previous night at dinner that we had arrived during the week of the oldest annual festival in Helsinki - the Baltic Herring Festival.

so after we left the magnificent food hall we went to the festival (a long walk of ten feet or so) - it was held right in the parking area adjacent to the food hall and the harbor where many boats were docked for the selling of wares!

lots of folks milling around the food stalls and picnic tables which were set up for eating some of the "take away" goodies versus the take home goodies in the usual containers of glass or plastic- and there was also a produce market held today along with a few crafts and a stall or two of souvenirs- all in all - plenty to keep us occupied for a while...


next post on the produce market with the handicrafts.... after I run out for lunch with Kathy....

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