Sunday, July 3, 2011

big day in chobe

Today is an all day game drive with a boat trip in the middle of the day on the Chobe River.  This drive goes in one park entrance and out the other side and we spend hours crossing the park and seeing amazing animal herds and two lions with kill (a male with an elephant and a female with a giraffe- both young animals which are easier prey.)

what was left of the baby giraffe when we found the female lion

We come upon a herd of Cape buffalo several hundred strong. 

We cross paths with elephants and warthogs and impala and zebra in numbers that will seem astounding to us later in the trip. 

Our lunch was a picnic along the river and a short period of time later our drive brings us to Kasane town where we pick up our boat for a couple of hours. While on the river we see crocs who have taken down a cape buffalo by holding him under the water to drown him. 

We also see elephant breeding herds with babies and a full hippo family with mom, dad and baby.

A monitor lizard as big as some of the crocodiles and birds of all sorts including to our surprise the local anhinga bird who very closely resembles our anhinga from the River Cottage.  After leaving the boat we head back on the highway to our camp and to dinner.  Tonight dinner is outside around the campfire and the staff does a brief show for us- mercifully brief as I am not too thrilled with the standard “folkloric” shows – we had a barbeque dinner of rump steak and sausages with various sides.   Everyone is tired from the early morning and long day and tomorrow we leave for the Okavanga Delta early in the morning so we are all off to pack.

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