Up early and breakfast again outside in the freezing cold- it was 39 degrees overnight in our tent in the middle of the night. By the time they came to wake us at 6AM it had gone up to 41 degrees as the sun was starting to warm things up a bit.
We saw this little tiny frog who was responsible for the loudest chorus of clinking sounds last night- they sound just like guys clinking beer bottles with a knife except that you think there must be thousands of them. He was only about the size of two digits of your index finger.
We saw some hippos displaying some playful behavior but at a very safe distance as they are quite easily perturbed apparently.
Out in two groups – one to the mokoro canoes and one to a game drive – we had volunteered for canoes in the first group. Now we were regretting it as the morning is so incredibly cold but the water is calm and we are in the sunlight- still chilly but not brutal as it was in the jeeps.
We saw this little tiny frog who was responsible for the loudest chorus of clinking sounds last night- they sound just like guys clinking beer bottles with a knife except that you think there must be thousands of them. He was only about the size of two digits of your index finger.
We saw some hippos displaying some playful behavior but at a very safe distance as they are quite easily perturbed apparently.
After we return from the canoes we meet the others who are already at tea. Then they go to the canoes and we go on a “game drive” which mostly consisted of birding and a little bit of botany. Our driver gets a bit testy because we keep harping on leopard, leopard, leopard…..
We do however get a nice set of photos of the lilac breasted roller. But the fact that I only took seven photos this morning after the canoes should give you the gist of it. We did see a cool hippo jaw but that was pretty much it. None of the big pay offs we had in Chobe. But we were warned that we were not seeking quantity but quality here and the lions of yesterday and the cubs from the day before were certainly a big check off on the list of what we came for.
Back to the camp for lunch – which included a really good minced meat lasagna – loosely translated but excellent and hot. We are still set upon by very cold temperatures and everyone eats with hat and coat on. After lunch we have a bit of free time and then gather for a tour of the whole facility- the kitchen and food storage (it is delivered once a month for dried goods which are stored in a shipping container you would see on a rail car) and the battery storage for the lighting from generators and solar power. We also see the laundry and maintenance area for the jeeps. It is quite an impressive operation.
Then to a lecture about the Okavanga Delta area which –while interesting was done at such a tedious pace that everyone but the stupidest members of the group got a bit antsy. The group is extremely well educated a number of lawyers and a doctor and a couple of teachers and a linguist who speaks seventeen languages including six or more African ones. So the kindergarten approach was quite grating.
Then a two hour afternoon game drive that Phil went on without me – while I used the time to catch up on my blog posts so I have something to show for the time and also so I wouldn’t be so far behind when we finally got to Vic Falls and an internet connection.
Tonight the farewell dinner and fire circle and undoubtedly singing and thank yous
Tomorrow another early morning as we are off to Zambia and have a long day of transfers through Kasane and Livingstone to the camp in Kafue National Park. We are supposed to be right on the river there.
Tomorrow another early morning as we are off to Zambia and have a long day of transfers through Kasane and Livingstone to the camp in Kafue National Park. We are supposed to be right on the river there.
I may post just the text when we are there and upload photos in Cape Town. So it you come across these posts with no photos come back in a few days and see if there are photos yet- if not they will be there soon!
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